(The information below is provided by The Hawkeye Ballroom Dance Company from the University of Iowa.)
Email for more information: studorg-hawkeyeballroom@uiowa.edu
Information for New Members
- Each class is $5 unless you’re a student—in that case, they’re free! We accept checks and cash (no Venmo, sorry).
- If you come with a partner, you’re welcome to dance with them for the entire lesson. Just find a spot to the side so others know you’re not rotating.
- PSA: Dancing can spread illness easily, so if you’re feeling sick, please stay home until you’re better. Masks are always welcome!
- Parking is available in Old Brick’s reserved lot. Since we’re renting the space, you’re welcome to park there.
- Address: 26 E Market St, Iowa City, IA 52246 (Old Brick).
- Review dance videos on our Instagram: @hawkeyeballroom.
- Check out our link tree with additional resources here